
Question 3
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The above Slideshare PowerPoint document is question 3 of the evaluation. It shows how we could, or the best way that we could distribute our media product to our target audience through different media institutions. It was created by me.
Evaluation questions powerpoint
View more PowerPoint from Chris_Totty

The above Slideshare PowerPoint document shows question 4 and 5 of the evaluation. Question 4 asks 'Who would be the audience for your media product?'. Question 5 asks 'How would you address/attract your audience?'. Also towards the end of the PowerPoint Audience feedback has bee provided regarding the shots used in the sequence and the soundtrack. This document was created by Chris Totty.

Questions 6 & 7

This video was created to explain what we have learned about the technology we used since the filming of the prelim product and how we feel that we have personally progressed since the filming of our preliminary task. The video is narrated by Chris Totty and the script was created by me.